Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why must I double-click the Confirm/Cancel Buttons of a ConfirmButtonExtender

Hello everybody

I'm using ConfirmButtonExtenders in my pages, but I have got an issue with them: I must double click the confirm or cancel buttons in order for something to happen.

I've typed no code but

<ajaxControlToolkit:ConfirmButtonExtender runat="server" ID="CBESupprimerIB" TargetControlID="LBSupprimerAnnonce" ConfirmText="<%$ Resources:Resource, RLConfirmSuppression%>"></ajaxControlToolkit:ConfirmButtonExtender>

Why is this ?

Thanks for your help


It's hard to tell why from your description. I tried it, and can't reproduce the issue.

Can you investigate more and be more specific about how to reproduce it?

Simple error that concentration would have helped me to catch:

I simply had two Extenders and both extended the same Button so that I needed two click twice to validate my choice.

Thank you for telling me to investigate more, this helped me find where the issue came from...

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