Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why webservices?

I don't know if I haven't understood the right way to use Atlas, but as far as I know all the calls are done to a webservice? How is this helpful? Why does it have to be this way? Why not call methods defined in the asp page?

Thanks for the help

Atlas lets you call both methods on Web Services and methods defined on the page. Using a Web Service is cleaner if you want to make some general functionality available to multiple pages, but there are also scenarios where calling methods on the page is convenient.


Well, I guess whatever you need to do the job is what you'd choose. Atlas streams XML based information to and from the server - thereby making webservices a perfect fit. By your statement "calls methods in the page", I suppose you are referring to server side calls... In this case, postbacks are no longer required - Web 2.0 is coming, where a richer UI experience can be achieved by asynchronously updating the bits of data on a screen that are needed - not the entire page for the sake of postbacks. IMHO, Atlas is a great step forward for SOA and SaaS...


I am not getting how can i make the script part dynamic...
In detail...i want to show a Chart image when user hovers over a stocksymbol(ex.TCS or MSFT) but there can be many such symbols on the page,(another solution is that i add <script></script> for eachsymbol at client side...but its obviously not feasible) so how can imake the <script></script> part of our Client dyanamic...

hope u can help

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