Saturday, March 24, 2012

Working with JeffZs AjaxFileUploadHelper


While everyone has their own preferred way to tackle the UpdatePanel / FileUpload issue, JeffZ's workaround postedhere is very promising, though through experimenting with it I have experienced two show-stopping bugs:

- Firefox activity never ceases after a successful upload, it simply continues to appear as though it is active, and the cursor remains on an operation image. This would be just extremely annoying/unusable except that it prevents future custom scripts that you've registered from running.

- In both Firefox and IE, attempting to access login controls (i.e. Log Off) while on a page or usercontrol implementing the helper will cause a 500 error.

Otherwise, the results in IE are very compelling, and it's very close to beingthesolution (other than buying something) for everyone looking to have their async upload cake and eat it too. Has anyone else worked with this workaround and have you been able to solve the problems introduced using this approach?


I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with that contorl.

After some google,I found:

I suggest that you post issues to their official forums or Email to Jeffrey Zhao,Thanks!

Hope this helps you.

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