Saturday, March 24, 2012

Working with a returned DataSet

After I returned a DataSet through a WebMethod, how do I work with it?
I didn't understand this part of Atlas.

1. I loop through this DataSet creating new dynamic tables, trs and tds to display this data?

2. Can I bind it to an control like a GridView and it willautomatically update the control via JS, just like it happens on theserver side binding?

I tried looping through the returned DataSet but it has some weirdfunctions and attributes not quite like a DataSet... so... how do I useit?

function RetInfo(id)

function OnComplete(ds)
//do something with the DataSet
//ds.Tables (?)

public DataSet RetDataSet(int id)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//...get data from the database
return ds;

I recommend you check out this writeup by Garbin:

You might want to review this page as well:

Thanks man, that's exactly what I was looking for.

Just two more questions though:

1. If use that xml binding, can I use a PageMethod instead of a webservice as DataSource?

2. And, is a PageMethod considered a WebService? Will it have the same security issues as WebServices do (like being accessible to anyone)?


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