Well Heres what I want to happen
1. User rates page via rating control, selecting 1- 5
2. 1,2,3,4,5 get stored in a DB
3. The top five pages with the most votes (highest number), a link gets displayed to the web page on the home page
http://www.codeproject.com do something almost identical to this, but the one thing I dont understand is that the website will have around 1k of pages, therefore wont this be really slow?
If the database tables are indexed properly then a few thousand records in a table will run very quickly.
In your other post on this (http://forums.asp.net/t/1128872.aspx) I included a script you could run on SQLExpress, this should run find with 1k of pages and 5-10k of ratings.
Thanks for that, I havent got that far yet, as I am having some trouble intergrating ajax into an existing asp.net app. That script looks great though!
Richard Line,
Well done.
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