Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Writing Games in ASP.NET AJAX

Hi All,

I was curious about usingAnimation behaviors in the toolkit to create games, but I found that they came up a bit short for this kind of task. So I wrote some behaviors and control extenders to allow sprite animation, collision detection, and some other fun stuff.

If you're interested in trying out this first version please check out thisblog post andproject page.


Hi All,

I was curious about usingAnimation behaviors in the toolkit to create games, but I found that they came up a bit short for this kind of task. So I wrote some behaviors and control extenders to allow sprite animation, collision detection, and some other fun stuff.

If you're interested in trying out this first version please check out thisblog post andproject page.

That is so COOL! I am so trying this out... wonder if my bosses would let me put a shoot the fish game in our Government Applications.. you know... incase the customers get bored... could always bring back the amazing "Boss Key" :D

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